
Lighthouse, easily OPTIMIZE your SEO with a Chrome extension !

Today, it is difficult to improve your ranking without good SEO tools.

Some are even free and launched by the giant Google itself.

It would be a shame not to take advantage of the Lighthouse extension available on its Chrome browser.

Several features are scrutinised by Lighthouse

There are many tools to analyse and improve your website and its pages.

There are already effective tools such as SEOquake or Dareboost, but when you hear that Google has launched its own auditing option, it is worth looking into.

Google has added Lighthouse SEO and to find out about it, you need to use the Chrome browser.

This extension is easy to install and allows you to get a basic idea of the SEO settings of a web page.

Google’s tool provides information on a number of topics, including site performance, compatibility with Progressive Web Apps, accessibility, best practices and SEO in general.

In its report, Lighthouse then indicates the positive and negative points and those that need to be improved.

The scores vary from 0 to 100, knowing that it is impossible to have 100 everywhere (even Google doesn’t get this score!).

However, it is not advisable to be satisfied with this tool but rather to juggle between several.

This allows you to see if certain points match (or not).

How do I install the Lighthouse extension?

To install this extension you just need to go to the Chrome web store, install the plugin and click on the little lighthouse that appears at the top right of your browser window.

In the options, make sure that the « SEO » option is checked before launching the analysis.

For the little anecdote, « lighthouse » means « lighthouse » in English, hence the logo.

Google justifies itself by the fact that this tool seeks to prevent sites from « sinking »…

Why use Lighthouse?

The first reason to use Lighthouse is simply that it is free. So you don’t have to pay anything to have your site audited.

In addition, this tool is based on essential elements, including Core Web Vitals.

Then, concerning the analysis of your site, it will not only look at your web pages, to see what works and what doesn’t, and make webperf improvements.

It will also look at progressive web applications, allowing you to know if there are any problems with dynamic content.

This free tool will also allow you to analyse the security of your site. This is also important if you want to reduce the risk of hacking.

As you can read, the Lighthouse tool is very useful. Now, it is not enough on its own.

In order to have a good analysis of your website and therefore of your SEO, we advise you to use it together with other tools, such as PageSpeed Insights.

Of course, Lighthouse is different from Page Speed Insights.