ClarkUp crm lead generation customer acquisition high ticket

ClarkUp, LIFE ACCESS… June 13th… It is the END !

Today, in the face of immense competition, whether you are a reputable company or a small business, it becomes essential to do business prospecting.

B2B, B2C…

Everyone is on the same level and looking to take more and more market share to survive.

And of course, in terms of tools or customer prospecting strategies there is a lot of choice.

Sometimes even too much choice !

ClarkUp intends to provide an answer, an answer adapted to everyone.


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Sales Prospecting is everywhere !

As you will have noticed there are different types of commercial management that use quite varied strategies and tools.

Here are a few examples of commercial prospecting that we are regularly confronted with:

  • Telephone calls, text messages
  • Email in your inbox
  • Advertising on social networks, on TV, in various media…
  • Billboards in the city, on the road,…
  • Flyers in your mailbox, on your windshield,
  • Spams

However, commercial techniques are becoming more and more known and do not work as they used to.

There is also the possibility of blocking certain advertisements which reduces the conversion rates of leads into customers.

Faced with this observation, we have to adapt !

Yesterday, when it comes to social networks, only FaceBook existed.

Today the competition is there, with different audiences, different communication codes…

Bref, you’d almost need an ALL IN ONE tool 😉

Is ClarkUp that promising tool ?

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ClarkUp, an ALL IN ONE business management tool?

ClarkUp will allow you to act at 3 distinct levels in your commercial management.

  1. Acquisition of leads on the main social networks
  2. Connecting with retained qualified leads
  3. Converting leads into customers

Here are the social networks on which you will be able to carry out your sales prospecting:

    • FaceBook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • TikTok
    • Discord
    • Slack Social

ClarkUp crm closer high ticket search email finder

Others are in progress, such as:

Some are still being evaluated with high probabilities of integration with ClarkUp…


So who is ClarkUp business management for?

The use of a paid sales management solution is often reserved for those who sell products and services of a certain cost.

ClarkUp is no exception to this rule.

It’s up to you to do your own analysis to see if you think you’ll get enough return to cover the investment for this innovative business development tool.

However, several types of business have been identified as potentially very interested in this solution:

  • Coach / Trainer / Consultant
  • Freelance
  • Closer
  • Network Marketing
  • B2B services
  • Commercials
  • And others still… Headhunters…

Only you are in a position to make this choice, or not, based on the elements mentioned.

How ClarkUp works

1- Prospecting

First, on each of the social networks named above you will be able to:

  • Download all the members of a group ( a link with your theme of course )
  • Download all the members who Liked and/or commented on a post or an event…
  • Download all members who have interacted with a post of your competitor(s)

This is the first step in acquiring your leads.

Then you’ll need to check each profile to estimate whether it can be included among the qualified leads, to contact them again.  

2 – Login

ClarkUp allows on each of the social networks concerned to interact in particular thanks to video embedded in the message.

This is where the whole meaning of Personalized communication takes place!

Imagine receiving, in the flow of your various requests, a request where you see on the video thumbnail that your interlocutor is on your profile!

Isn’t it more engaging to know the content of their message?

ClarkUp crm closer high ticket followup

3 – Conversion

ClarkUp integrates a tracking system for each of your prospects.

You define the steps in your follow-up process for your future customers.

  • Message 1 in Video
  • Relay
  • New Video/discovery of your offer

You know exactly where your prospect is in your sales approach stages.

Of course you have access to a whole range of statistics to help you:

  • Video viewed,
  • Video playback time,
  • Links clicked or not,


Your External agenda directly integrated into your contact request!

ClarkUp offers among its optional options the following innovations:

    • Add a title to your video to greet them for example
    • You can add a brief description of your request, your offer.
    • A call-to-action button is also possible to link to a website, a video, …
    • And finally you can embed HTML code: your Google calendar, Calendly or other to book an appointment… or whatever as long as it is HTML code.

You can check out a French example bringing all these options together here !

It’s up to you to use only what suits you best at the time.

ClarkUp offers you coaching!

Indeed, having the best of tools but not knowing how to use them at their best is not much use…

ClarkUp leverages several social networks catering to different profiles.

This is why the tool integrates training on each of the social networks in order to use the best strategies and best practices specific to each.

This is to ensure a better user experience as well as better financial returns.

This is its main goal of course, a much higher conversion rate than its competitors.


And what about ClarkUp prices ?

First of all you should know that this prospecting software comes in several plans, like so many others.

You have to think of it as an investment !

If not, spend your money elsewhere…

The subscription, whatever the plan, is non-renewable automatically.

There are 3 distincts plans:

    • The Basic plan: 15,000 Leads, 15 Pipelines at €149 / month
    • The Gold plan: 50,000 Leads, 50 Pipelines and 2 sub-accounts at €299 / month
    • The Premium Plan: Unlimited Leads & Pipelines and 3 sub-accounts for €499 / month

Payment in annual mode allows a saving of 2 months.

There is no automatic subscription renewal.

You can therefore subscribe to a package only for 1 month to try it out and see if it suits you.

You have to admit, it’s pretty convenient !

It’s up to you to assess which plan best suits your needs.

You can’t find the right plan for you ?

No matter, contact them HERE and after listening to your expectations you should receive a personalized offer.

ClarkUp crm closer high ticket zapier automation

ZAPIER for ClarkUp Marketing Automation

ClarkUp is now integrated on Zapier automation platform. It allow ClarkUp to connect and make automation with more than 5000 Apps for a better efficiency.

ClarkUp developp is internal possibilities of automation and plan to be integrated soon on the 2nd trusted platform : Make


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ClarkUp integrates Artificial Intelligence AI

At a time when everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), ClarkUp is keeping up to date.

Version 1 (V1) is already available DIRECTLY from the ClarkUp Chrome extension.

The prompt currently offers 2 choices: first-name and last-name.

You tell the AI who you are and your goals for the message you’re asking it to create.

The AI then consults your LinkedIn profile (currently only LinkedIn) to create 3 different messages to contact your prospect with a truly personalized message.

If these 3 proposals don’t satisfy you, you can ask the AI for 3 new messages…

The evolution of this artificial intelligence is already underway and will be available in the coming weeks.


ClarkUp for social media marketing agency

ClarkUp scalability

ClarkUp is a French tool, with French support, and is already being translated into English for international development !

Other languages will be added for its worldwide disclosure.

Soon the tool will offer the collection of your contact’s email address, when available, and will allow you to send an email on Gmail with the option of the video embedded in the body of the message if you wish.

The backoffice has a section where the technical team suggests ways to improve, new features for which every user has a vote !

ClarkUp is above all a tool FOR its users and BY its users, since you also have the possibility to propose your improvements.

Evolution promises to be regular as this is a project of Anthony Nevo, creator and founder of several successful StartUp.

Subscribe to their NewsLetter and you’ll find that EVERY week their team comes up with new tools, each more INNOVATIVE than the last…

You will understand that this technology watch cell allows ClarkUp to be always ahead of its competition.

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LIFE access are back… Until 13th JUNE !

Since mid-January 2023, ClarkUp is once again accessible in LIFE ACCESS by single payment with the possibility of Split payment.

This offer is not available on the Official ClarkUp website.

ClarkUp has decided to leave this Exceptional Offer opportunity for affiliates in its network.

So you will need to go through one of these links to take advantage of this OFFER!

ClarkUp crm closer high ticket Final CountDown


     To take advantage of a SINGLE offer with LIFETIME ACCESS it’s HERE !


ClarkUp Affiliation program EXPRESS ENGLISH

Ice on the cake… Or not!

You read that right: OR NOT as this option is optional.

If you use it you will have the opportunity to generate additional income for yourself.

ClarkUp incorporates an affiliate system that you could develop using this innovative business management tool.

To keep it simple, commissions are done on 2 levels:

    • Level 1 : 25%
    • Level 2 : 25%

This solution allows you to receive commissions on your sales, of 375€ minimum as the minimum subscription price will be €1499 per year.

If one of your customers decides to use the affiliate system in turn and makes a sale, you also get €375 if it’s on a €1499 per year subscription…

As you will have understood, this can be interesting and become a source of passive and recurring income since if your customers are satisfied with the tool they will renew their subscription, maybe even for a higher offer.

What entrepreneur doesn’t need efficient tools to assist them in managing their business ?

I’ll leave you to ponder on these last elements !