4 Tips to Improve the Sound Quality of Your PC

When you are watching a movie, streaming Spotify, gaming, or listening to music, you always want to have the best sound at all times. But in most cases, most of us do not know how to get the best sound quality from our computers. Although you can purchase a good quality set of speakers, you need to know how to configure your computer to maximize on the speaker’s potential.
Let us look at four tips that will lead in the right direction:Reduce the number of apps running on your computerIf you install and run lots of apps on your computer, your PC will become slow because each app will be utilizing the resources. Even if you have a high-speed computer, any application can impact the audio playback. For window’s users, it is important to reinstall your OS each year to clean up your Window’s registry that often increases in size, over time, causing low PC performance.

Configure the player’s setting

When you switch the output methods of any player, e.g. WASAPI, DirectSound, ASIO, Kernel Streaming, a different sound will be produced. The sound on your speaker will always change depending on the output method. Get to know more about the player you are using to get the best sound quality. Tip : use a specific driver like nahimic for better sound.

Separate the media library from the OS

Your computer’s audio setup works more efficiently if you partition your hard disk to store essential software on one end, and the operating system on the other. This method ensures that the different applications are not competing for bandwidth when using resources.

Apart from having a responsive operating system, you will also have the advantage of data security in case the computer crashes. The music files will be safe, and all you have to do is install a clean OS.

Remove all accessories on your system

If you plan to have a dedicated PC for your music, it is recommended to remove all the peripheral devices like the keyboard, mouse, and monitor. You will only have a LAN connection and a USB cord that connects to your USB DAC. This will allow your PC to produce better sound because the devices that utilized more resources are disconnected. The only task your PC will have is audio playback.